To prepare myself to work any place in the world, I chose a complete change of scenery!”
Martin Rousset,When he arrived, he discovered people with innate hospitality. “Of course, Antananarivo is a huge city, full of traffic jams, it can be scary at times. But its inhabitants speak French and they were born with a sense of hospitality.”
Martin made a major decision: He’ll do his final internship in Madagascar.
Hotels here need managers and there are not yet enough young Madagascan professionals who are trained to do these jobs. I’ve gotten used to this country, I’m now more mature, and I’ve gained so much from this fantastic experience.”
Martin Rousset, concludes.Antananarivo is the lungs of Madagascar at 1400m in the heart of the Highlands. The city of 12 hills is a cosmopolitan tangle of modernity and authenticity. While the city is no exception to the clichés in Madagascar, it is nonetheless welcoming and conducive to studies in a priority field for the country. Malagasy are very welcoming and quick to share the good plans to feel good.